SunSoft Catalyst CDware Information
The SunSoft Catalyst CDware Program is one of the industry's leading marketing programs implementing the latest in Sun'sCD-ROM and Web technology, including Java. Catalyst CDware is the most comprehensive CD-ROM resource for software and hardware products for the Solaris operating environments.
CDware utilizes the latest in Web-browser and server technology that enables the user to access information on the CD-ROM as well as directly link to live Web sites from the CD-ROM.

Since the release of the first volume in 1990, Catalyst CDware has remained the standard in desktop-shopping and product evaluation for end-users.These CD-ROMs are packaged with all Sun shipments and sent to a subscriber list world-wide. Over half a million CDware discs are distributed to the Solaris audience annually. CDware gives Solaris ISVs the opportunity to take advantage of the latest in New Media technology to distribute their message and software electronically. Participants can deliver Web pages (html files), trial software, demos, slideshows, and multimedia presentations.

For nearly four years, DocuVenture has been an integral part of the marketing/production/recruitment team for the New Media Marketing Program. We have played a strategic role in helping to make CDware a successful program.
In addition, DocuVenture has high-level expertise with multi-platform tools to create dynamic Web sites, multimedia presentations and slideshows for use on CDware and for your other marketing vehicles.

DocuVenture can help you stimulate interest in your products by developing more effective and exciting insertions for CDware, including:

To learn more about Catalyst CDware and DocuVenture's services, please contact us at or call (415) 851-3449.

To get a free copy of Catalyst CDware and for technical information:

To see additional examples of Java applets:

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